University of Kuala Lumpur KLCC – Business and IT

As the nation expects more from technical higher learning institutions, UniKL grooms its graduate with strong technological knowledge and astute entrepreneurial skills who would later fulfil the current demand of the industries. UniKL’s 13 branch institutes offer various foundation, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. With the concept of ‘One Institute, One Specialisation’, UniKL contributes not only to tertiary education, but also researches and the development for commercialisation purposes.

Strategically located all over peninsular Malaysia, UniKL’s branch institutes offer various programmes in their niche areas of specialisation. At present, UniKL boasts a total of 22,372 students.

Since its inception, UniKL has produced 56,293 graduates including 7,998 graduates celebrated in the 15th Convocation Ceremony 2018. Graduates of UniKL have successfully established their careers or become successful entrepreneurs in local and international arenas.

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