City University Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur (Petaling Jaya)

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City University’s aim was to equip high school leavers with extensive academic exposure to the American degree system moderated by the Consortium of American Universities and Colleges (CAUC). This was done through a biennial meeting in the United States. Since then, PJCC has successfully transferred over 20 batches of students to more than 100 universities and colleges throughout the United States, with many gaining places into the Ivy League universities for degrees in engineering (electrical, civil, mechanical and computer), journalism, business administration, finance, banking, accounting, marketing, insurance, economics, information systems, computer science, psychology, pharmacy, music and TESL. Although there were several private higher institutions in Malaysia, PJCC was the pioneer in the field for preparing students for transfer to the American universities.

Under its new management, City University College extended its international education cooperation with universities from England, Scotland, Wales, Australia, United States, Indonesia, China and several Malaysian public universities to cater for the expanding demand for higher education.

Armed with a track record of 39 years of education excellence, the University College was awarded ‘University’ status in 2016, to be recognized today as CITY UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA.

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