Technical Courses

June 9, 2024
The Complete Web Developer Bootcamp is an extensive online course designed to transform beginners into full-stack web developers

The Web Developer Bootcamp: Full-Stack on Udemy

Click Here to Redirect and Apply Coupon Most recent coupon code: ST19MT60324 The Web Developer Bootcamp: Complete Full-Stack Web Dev (includes certificate upon completion) The Complete […]
June 4, 2024
The "Complete React Native + Hooks Course" on Udemy is an extensive program designed to equip learners with the skills needed to develop real-world mobile applications using React Native.

The Complete React Native: Mobile App Development Course on Udemy

Click Here to Redirect and Apply Coupon Most recent coupon code: ST19MT60324 The Complete React Native + Hooks Course (includes certificate upon completion) The “Complete React […]
November 11, 2023
Get 20% off a web development certifcation from IBM on ClassCoupon

IBM: Introduction to Web Development 20% Off

Click here to redirect and apply coupon: EDXFRESHSTART IBM: Introduction to Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript – 20% off with coupon: EDXFRESHSTART Learn the key […]
November 11, 2023
Master the basics of AI technology with a class by IBM here on ClassCoupon

IBM: AI for Everyone 20% Off

Click here to redirect and apply coupon: EDXFRESHSTART IBM: AI for Everyone: Master the Basics – 20% off with coupon: EDXFRESHSTART Learn what Artificial Intelligence (AI) […]
November 8, 2023
Udacity is a global, online, lifelong learning platform connecting education to jobs. Udacity works with industry leaders to create project-based online learning programs. These unique collaborations ensure that students learn the technology skills that employers value most.

Udacity Digital Marketing 50% Off

Click here to apply coupon and redirect Learn Digital Marketing on Udacity with 50% off coupon Gain real-world experience running live campaigns as you learn from […]
November 7, 2023
Udacity is a global, online, lifelong learning platform connecting education to jobs. Udacity works with industry leaders to create project-based online learning programs. These unique collaborations ensure that students learn the technology skills that employers value most.

Udacity React JavaScript 50% Off

Click here to apply coupon and redirect Learn React JavaScript on Udacity with 50% off coupon React is completely transforming the Front-End Development landscape. Come master […]