
8月 7, 2024
Lexis Korea offers convenient Weekend Korean classes for those with busy weekday schedules. These classes are designed to enhance your Korean language skills effectively, with a structure that fits perfectly into a weekend timetable.


韓国・釜山で4週間の週末韓国語レッスン Lexis Koreaの釜山での週末韓国語レッスンは、フレキシブルな留学をご希望の方のためのオーダーメードコースです。 [...]
8月 1, 2024
Lexis Korea offers convenient Weekend Korean classes for those with busy weekday schedules. These classes are designed to enhance your Korean language skills effectively, with a structure that fits perfectly into a weekend timetable.


ソウル江南で2~3ヶ月の集中韓国語クラス Lexis Koreaの韓国語学習は、どんなスケジュールにも合う2つの集中オプションがあります:15時間コースと [...]