Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC) is a progressive and innovative higher learning institution with two distinctive faculties and one centre offering 18 programmes. Established in 2006, KLMUC currently offers Foundation, Diploma, Degree and Masters programmes that inculcate ‘Real World Practice’ as a pathway to professional success.

University of Kuala Lumpur: Business and Technology in KLCC and Aviation at MIAT

University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a premier institution in Malaysia, renowned for its commitment to producing graduates with strong technological expertise and entrepreneurial acumen. As Malaysia’s demand for skilled professionals grows, UniKL plays a pivotal role in shaping future leaders who are well-equipped to meet industry needs. With 13 specialized branch campuses spread across peninsular Malaysia, UniKL offers a diverse range of foundation, diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs. Each campus is dedicated to a specific area of expertise, embodying the concept of ‘One Institute, One Specialisation.’

UniKL’s unique approach to education goes beyond traditional academic boundaries. The university is deeply involved in research and development, driving innovations that contribute to the commercial sector. This focus on both education and practical application ensures that UniKL graduates are not only knowledgeable but also highly adaptable to the evolving demands of the global market.

Among its many specialized campuses, the UniKL Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (UniKL MIAT) in Selangor stands out for its focus on aviation. UniKL MIAT offers cutting-edge programs in aircraft engineering technology, including the Bachelor of Aircraft Engineering Technology in Avionics, making it an ideal choice for those aspiring to become pilots or aviation engineers. This campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and provides hands-on training that prepares students for successful careers in the aviation industry.

UniKL’s strategic locations throughout Malaysia make it accessible to a broad range of students. Currently, the university boasts a vibrant student body of over 22,000 individuals. Since its inception, UniKL has celebrated the achievements of more than 56,000 graduates, many of whom have gone on to build successful careers or launch their own enterprises both locally and internationally.

As an official partner of UniKL, Class Coupon is proud to offer support to prospective students. We provide the latest promotional discounts and free assistance with the application and registration process, helping students embark on their educational journey at one of Malaysia’s leading technical universities.


クラスクーポンでこの学校の詳細をご確認ください。ご質問やご相談にお答えし、提携教育センターとおつなぎします。勉強したい時間に最適なプランを見つけることもできます、 ビザ ご質問やご不明な点がございましたら、メッセージをお送りください。


8月 14, 2023
Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC) is a progressive and innovative higher learning institution with two distinctive faculties and one centre offering 18 programmes. Established in 2006, KLMUC currently offers Foundation, Diploma, Degree and Masters programmes that inculcate ‘Real World Practice’ as a pathway to professional success.

UniKL クアラルンプール大学

University of Kuala Lumpur: Business and Technology in KLCC and Aviation at MIAT University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a premier institution in Malaysia, renowned for its [...]
8月 8, 2023
Erican College Tourism Management diploma study and work at the same time and earn money in college

エリカン・カレッジ・ツーリズム・マネジメント 7,912米ドル

観光管理のディプロマ このプログラムは、観光業界で活躍するためのスキルを手に学生を装備するように設計されています。この実践的なコースを通じて、学生は次のようになります。 [...]
8月 8, 2023
Business Studies Certificate at Erican College in KLCC Kuala Lumpur

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6月 27, 2023
yes international college graphic design diploma

YESインターナショナル・カレッジ グラフィック・デザイン 36,312リンギット

YESインターナショナルカレッジ グラフィックデザインディプロマ取得 同地にあるエリカンカレッジと提携し、技術分野に特化したYESインターナショナルカレッジ。デザインは本格的な [...]
6月 27, 2023
Joined with Erican College in the same location, YES International College specializes in technical fields for students to experience.


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6月 27, 2023
yes college information systems diploma

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YES International College Information Systems Diploma 同拠点にあるErican Collegeと統合したYES International Collegeは、技術分野に特化したカレッジです。情報システムのディプロマを通して [...]
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elec language center


当校の目標は、語学教育センターの最前線に立つことであり、国際水準の指導と教育を推進するために、いくつかの近代的なアプローチを採用しています。 [...]
6月 25, 2023
beginner japanese lessons

ICLS 18レッスン日本語コース 週2時間 500リンギット

ICLS 18レッスン初級日本語コース、週2時間 500リンギット 初回登録料(通常50リンギット)、テキスト代 RM [...]
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icls intensive korean classes

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